BME 580.222 Signal, Systems and Control - Spring 2008
Instructor: Rene Vidal, E-mail:

Office Hours: Fridays 3-4 p.m. 302B Clark Hall

TA1: Ertan Cetingul, E-mail:

Office Hours: Thursdays, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. 322 Clark Hall

TA2: Donavan Cheng, E-mail:

Office Hours: Wednesdays, 4:15 - 6:15 p.m. 322 Clark Hall

Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:30-2:45 p.m. 110 Hodson

Course Description
This is a beginning course in control of linear, time-invariant, single-input, single-output (SISO) systems.
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations.

I. Introduction to Control Systems

  1. Closed-Loop Control versus Open-Loop Control
  2. Models of Control Systems: Transfer Function, State Space, ODEs
  3. Examples of Control Systems: Mechanical, Electrical, Physiological
  4. Linearization of Nonlinear Mathematical Models

II. Modeling using the Laplace Transform

  1. Laplace Transformation, Laplace Transform Theorems
  2. Inverse Laplace Transformation, Partial Fraction Expansion
  3. Solving Linear, Time-Invariant, Differential Equations

III. Modeling using State Space Models

  1. State Space Representation of Dynamic Systems
  2. Solving the Time-Invariant State Equation
  3. Exponential Map and Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
  4. Transformation of Mathematical Models

IV. Basic Properties of Open Loop Control Systems

  1. Transfer Function: poles, zeros
  2. Impulse Response ans Step Response: First Order, Second Order, and Higher Order Systems, Overshoot
  3. Stability: Asymptotic Stability and Input-Output Stability, Routh's Stability Criterion
  4. Controllability, Observability

V. Basic Properties of Closed Loop Control Systems

  1. Steady State Errors in Unity Feedback Control Systems
  2. Effects of Proportional Control Action on System Performance
  3. Effects of Integral and Derivative Control Actions on System Performance

VI. Design of PID Controllers

  1. Proportional Control
  2. Integral Control
  3. Differential Control
  4. Tuning Rules for PID Controllers: Critical Gain Approach, Ziegler and Nichols Approach

VII. Design of Control Systems in State Space

  1. Pole Placement: Ackerman's Formula
  2. State Observers
  3. Design of Regulator Systems with Observers
  4. Design of Control Systems with Obervers
  5. Quadratic Optimal Regulator Systems
Textbooks and Software

I. Textbooks

  1. Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems (5th Edition), G. Franklin, J.D. Powell, A. Emami-Naeini, Prentice Hall, 2006. (Chapters 1,2,3,4,7)
  2. Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition), K. Ogata, Prentice Hall, 2002. (Chapters 1,2,3,5,10,11,12)

II. Software

  1. MATLAB with Control Systems Toolbox
Grading Policy

I. Homeworks (30%)

  1. HW1: Due Monday March 31st, 1:30 p.m.
  2. HW2: Due Friday April 4th, at the beginning of your section
  3. HW3: Due Friday April 11th, at the beginning of your section
  4. HW4: Due Friday April 18th, at the beginning of your section
  5. HW5: Due Friday April 25th, at the beginning of your section
  6. HW6: Due Friday May 2nd, at the beginning of your section

II. Quizzes (30%)

  1. Quiz 1: Friday April 8th
  2. Quiz 2: Friday April 18th
  3. Quiz 3: Friday May 2nd

III. Exam (40%) : Thursday May 8th (2-5 p.m.)